Four 2 Inspections & Consultancy

Quality assured car and bike inspections

With over Forty years industry experience employing my services gives you immediate access to the highest level of car and bike expertise and knowledge

Car & motorcycle Services

Four2 inspections and Consultancy is a Perthshire based company providing a unique range of services to both car and motorcycle buyers and sellers throughout Scotland and the UK.

The company offers quality assured car and bike inspections that will confirm quality, history and value, along with a menu of consultancy services that will provide added value potentially unlock significant savings, and remove the time, hassle and risk from your next purchase or sale.

My Inspections are unique in content offering one of the most comprehensive vehicle checks in the industry, affordable providing great value for money, and personally delivered with extensive expertise.

My menu of Consultancy services deliver tailor made solutions whether buying or selling that provide you with your own motor expert guiding you to a successful purchase or sale, delivering you the best terms in the market whilst keeping you safe and secure.



Using my inspection service will take the risk out of buying your next car or motorcycle and for sellers greatly improve the chance of a successful sale. I provide a fast and comprehensive inspection service that qualifies condition through a comprehensive and detailed report, confirms the vehicle’s credentials and includes all the necessary background and history checks. My Inspections highlight any required or recommended rectifications and include an expert opinion on the value of the car or bike.


I will guide you safely through today’s complex and confusing New and Used markets opening the door to huge potential savings and providing you with the optimum deal options with the added benefit of removing the hassle, frustration, time uncertainties whether buying privately, on line, or from a dealer.


Using my expertise will ensure you find the best route to market when selling your car or bike. I can provide you with a range of selling options that will guarantee a successful sale whilst maximising your return. Selling privately is full of risks in today’s market. My selling service will ensure a safe secure sale and remove any risk. My selling service covers all elements whether selling privately, to a dealer or on-line buying company.


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